Energy law obligations and discharge applications

Due to the legal situation in Germany, there are currently many laws whose fulfillment can be mandatory, but also some laws and guidelines according to which you can receive tax relief under certain circumstances.

You can find an overview of these laws, which we can support you with, in the table below.

You can provide confirmation of the measures from the EnEfG as part of a management system or, if you do not have this and are not subject to the corresponding obligation, by providing evidence of measures assessed in accordance with DIN EN 17463. In both cases, we can be your partner in providing this evidence.

The evidence for the relief programs must be confirmed by an authorized inspection body.

We are such a body and can issue you with the necessary confirmation, provided you meet all the requirements.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Elberfelder Straße 77
D-42853 Remscheid

to the inquiry